Arcana Models: Decoders


arcana.models.decoders.additive_decoder module

Additive dencoder module for the ARCANA project.

class arcana.models.decoders.additive_decoder.AdditiveDecoder(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseDecoder

Additive decoder module

forward(x_tensor, hidden_state, cell_state, encoder_outputs)

Forward pass for additive decoder module. The forward pass is implemented as follows:

  1. get attention scores

  2. create context vector

  3. concatenate the context vector with the input tensor

  4. pass the concatenated tensor through the lstm layer

  5. pass the lstm output through the fc layer

  6. pass the fc layer output through the leaky relu layer

  7. pass the leaky relu output through the output dropout layer

  8. pass the output dropout layer output through the fc layer for quantile 1, 2 and 3

  9. concatenate the quantile 1, 2 and 3 predictions

  • x_tensor (torch.Tensor) – input tensor

  • hidden_state (torch.Tensor) – hidden state

  • cell_state (torch.Tensor) – cell state

  • encoder_outputs (torch.Tensor) – encoder outputs

  • predictions (tuple) – tuple of quantile predictions

  • hidden_out (torch.Tensor) – hidden state

  • cell_out (torch.Tensor) – cell state

  • attention_scores (torch.Tensor) – attention scores

class arcana.models.decoders.additive_decoder.Attention(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Module

Additive attention module

forward(hidden, encoder_outputs)

Forward pass for additive attention module

The forward pass is implemented as follows:

  1. transform the hidden state of the decoder to the same size as the hidden state of the encoder

  2. add the transformed hidden state of the decoder and the hidden state of the encoder

  3. apply tanh activation to the sum

  4. transform the tanh output to a scalar

  5. apply softmax to the scalar

  • hidden (torch.Tensor) – hidden state of the decoder. The shape is (batch_size, hidden_size)

  • encoder_outputs (torch.Tensor) – hidden state of the encoder. The shape is (batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size)


attention_scores (torch.Tensor) – attention scores. The shape is (batch_size, seq_length)

arcana.models.decoders.base_decoder module

Base decoder class

class arcana.models.decoders.base_decoder.BaseDecoder(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Module

Base decoder module

forward(x_tensor, hidden_state, cell_state, encoder_outputs)

Forward pass to be implemented by subclass


Initialize weights for the layer

arcana.models.decoders.multihead_decoder module

Multihead dencoder module for the ARCANA project.

class arcana.models.decoders.multihead_decoder.MultiheadDecoder(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseDecoder

Multihead decoder module

forward(x_tensor, hidden_state, cell_state, encoder_outputs)

Forward pass for multihead decoder module.

The forward pass is implemented as follows:
  1. get attention scores

  2. concatenate the attention scores with the input tensor

  3. pass the concatenated tensor through the lstm layer

  4. pass the lstm output through the fc layer

  5. pass the fc layer output through the leaky relu layer

  6. pass the leaky relu output through the output dropout layer

  7. pass the output dropout layer output through the fc layer for quantile 1, 2 and 3

  8. concatenate the quantile 1, 2 and 3 predictions

  • x_tensor (torch.Tensor) – input tensor (batch_size, seq_length, input_size)

  • hidden_state (torch.Tensor) – hidden state (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)

  • cell_state (torch.Tensor) – cell state (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)

  • encoder_outputs (torch.Tensor) – encoder outputs (batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size)

  • predictions (tuple) – tuple of quantile predictions

  • hidden_out (torch.Tensor) – hidden state

  • cell_out (torch.Tensor) – cell state

  • attention_output_weights_probs_decoder (torch.Tensor) – attention scores

Module contents